Our Path Finder
Gone from our sight,
But never from our hearts
In life there is a role for everyone we meet, some will test you, some will use you, some will love you, some will teach you. But the ones who are truly important are the ones who bring out the best in you. They are the rare and amazing people. A visionary par excellence, a devoted teacher, an amazing goal setter, a poet, an avid reader, a socialist and above all a kind human being. These are a few of the qualities though there are lots and lots more to add to our path finder S. Narinder Singh Ji. Words cannot do justice to the aura and personality that he possessed. Under his guidance our school achieved greater heights in all the fields in academics and extra curricular activities. He gave us a new life and sense of purpose.
S. Narinder Singh Padam (72) passed away on July 24, 2020 and moved to heavenly abode. A great soul, a fatherly figure, a great thinker, an avid reader and pathfinder of St. Soldier Modern School, his death created a void that can never be filled. He was a shining light for all the nears and dears. Though he is out from our sight but his teachings will always be with us. His planted
sapling “St. Soldier Modern School” will definitely bloom into a shaded and flowering tree. No words could justify to pay homage to this kind and great soul.
We, St. Soldier Family will always follow their footsteps to provide holistic education to our students.
We seek his blessings and guidance from heaven!!.
“Those we love don’t go away
They walk beside us everyday
Unseen, unheard but always near,
Still loved & still missed.”